This Chemical Cross Reference Guide is intended to be used as a general guideline for selecting the correct sprayer.
The content is based on current SDS information as supplied to FBS by the numerous manufacturers, and to the best of our knowledge, the information is accurate.
FBS can not be responsible for chemical changes made by the manufacturers and the resulting compatibility with the sprayers. For products not listed in this guide, or when in doubt, you may fax or e-mail chemical SDS information directly to us for further review.
Damage attributable to improper use, faulty maintenance, the effects of chemicals or normal wear and tear (seals/O-rings) is excluded from the Limited Product Warranty.
Chemical Brand & Part # | Product Name | Compatible Sprayers |
3M - #38050, 38051, 38052 | All Purpose Cleaner & Degreaser | 50200 |
3M - #38080, 38081, 38082 | Adhesive Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
3M - #38099, 38100, 38300, 38399 | Glass Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
3M - #38374, 38375 | Heavy Duty Wheel Cleaner | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
3M - #38984 | General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
5-Star - #5214 | Virgin Wash Solvent | 50300 / 50404 |
5-Star - #5700 | Gun Wash Thinner | 50300 / 50404 |
5-Star - #5900 | MAXX Solv Wax and Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
5-Star - #5902 | Final Wipe Wax and Grease Remover | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
5-Star - #5903 | Low VOC Final Wipe Wax & Grease Remover | 50200 |
5-Star - #5910 | Acetone | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
AB Express - #ABX-440001 ; ABX-440005 | Fast Klean Silicone and Wax Remover | 50101 / 50401, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
AB Express - #ABX-505005; ABX-505205 | Regular Virgin Cleaning Solvent 5050 | 50300 / 50404 |
AB Express - #ABX-703005 | Extra Strong 7030 Virgin Cleaning Solvent | 50300 / 50404 |
AB Express - #ABX-800505 | Brake Cleaner (VOC Compliant) | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
AB Express - #ABX-904005 | Parts Cleaner (Varsol) | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
AB Express - AB-ACETONE-1; AB-ACETONE-5; AB-ACETONE-205L, ABX-900001, ABX-900005 | Acetone | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
AB Express - AB-PRE-KLEENO-1; AB-PRE-KLEENO-5, ABX-805001 , ABX-805005 | Pre-Kleano | 50300 / 50404 |
Advantage Refinish - #117-1, 117-5, 117-53 | Compliant Solvent | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Advantage Refinish - #121-1, 121-5, 121-53 | Methyl Ethyl Ketone | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Advantage Refinish - #122-1, 122-5, 122-53 | Toluene | 50300 / 50404 |
Advantage Refinish - #123-1, 123-5, 123-53 | Xylene | 50300 / 50404 |
Advantage Refinish - #124-1, 124-5 | Mineral Spirits | 50300 / 50404 |
Advantage Refinish - #125-1, 125-5, 125-53 | Isopropyl Alcohol | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Advantage Refinish - #190-1, 190-4, 190-5, 190-16, 190-53 | Wax and Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Advantage Refinish - #191 | Waterborne Surface Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Advantage Refinish - #192-1, 192-4, 192-5, 192-16, 192-53 | Acetone | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Advantage Refinish - #195-1, 195-5, 195-53 | Crystal Clean Gun Wash | 50300 / 50404 |
Advantage Refinish - #98-5, 98-53 | Advantage Cleaning Solvent | 50300 / 50404 |
Advantage Refinish - #99-1, 99-5, 99-16, 99-53 | General Purpose Lacquer Thinner | 50300 / 50404 |
Akzo Nobel - #380016 | AutoClean Surface Cleaner | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Akzo Nobel - #385014 | Antistatic Surface Cleaner | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Akzo Nobel - #M600 | Surface Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Auto Chem - #701-01 | Dress up Rubber & Vinyl Dressing | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Auto Chem - #707-05 | Silicone Free Dressing for Plastic & Rubber | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Auto Chem - #712-01 | Clear Glass Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Auto Chem - #717-01, 718-05 | All Purpose Solvent Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Auto Chem - #732 | Hi Performance Wheel Cleaner | 50200 |
Auto Chem - #814-05 | Wheels & Tire Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Auto Chem - #820-05 | Heavy Duty Engine Degreaser | 50200 |
Auto Chem - #831-10, 832-05, 833-55 | Universal Cleaner & Degreaser | 50200 |
Auto Chem - #ACM732 | Hi-Performance Wheel Cleaner | 50200 |
Auto Chem - #ACM830 | Universal Cleaner/Degreaser | 50200 |
Auto Valet - #164 | Top Hat Solvent and Silicone Dressing | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Auto Valet - #170 | Super-O Solvent Cleaner/Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
Auto Valet - #173 | Super Sol Quick Dry Solvent Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
Auto Valet - #177 | Oust Solvent Cleaner/Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
Auto Valet - #180 | Sap Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Auto Valet - #330 | Purple Power Cleaner/Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
Auto Valet - #332 | Transport Multi-Purpose Cleaner/Degreaser | 50200 |
Auto Valet - #338 | D'LIMOKLEEN | 50300 / 50404 |
Auto Valet - #360 | Ultra Kleen Cleaner/Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
Automotive Art - #20-95 | Wax & Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Axalta - #105 | Lacquer Thinner | 50300 / 50404 |
Axalta - #107 | Low VOC Gun Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Axalta - #130 | Acetone | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Axalta - #200 | Silicone Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Axalta - #210 | Silicone Remover Water | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Axalta - #220 | Silicone Remover Low VOC | 50300 / 50404 |
Axalta - #225 | Bug and Tar Remover | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Axalta - #VS1000 | Surface Cleaning Solvent | 50300 / 50404 |
Axalta - #VS1100 | Surface Cleaning Solvent | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Axalta - #VS1500 | Plastic Cleaning Solvent | 50300 / 50404 |
B-TEC Systems - #75086, 75087 | Brakleen Brake Parts Cleaner - Non Chlorinateed | 50300 / 50404 |
B-TEC Systems - #B-T NH20-1 | Aquamax Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Balkamp - #BK7651322 | Tire Buffer & Cleaner Repair Solvent | 50300 / 50404 |
Blaster - #128-PWS, 5-PWS | Parts Washer Solvent | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Car Brite - #CBO1E013F03, CBOOE013F05-S5 | H/D Acid-Free Wheel & Tire Cleaner | 50200 |
Chemac Industries - #IDX-20 | Industrial Degreaser | 50200 |
Chemfax | Squeaky Clean | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Chemfax - #CH118461 | Brake Wash Ace | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
CRC - #1754943 | Chlor-Free Industrial Degreaser*** (MUO) Mfg. Use Only | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
CRC - #1755368 | Non Chlorinated Brakleen 19L LOW VOC | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
CRC - #1755777 | Non Chlorinated Brakleen 208L Drum LOW VOC | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
CRC - #05088, 75086, 75087 | Brakleen Brake Parts Cleaner - Non Chlorinated | 50300 / 50404 |
CRC - #75090, 75091, 75093 | Brakleen Brake Parts Cleaner | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
CRC - #75391 | Brake Parts Cleaner | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Cromax - #3608S | Prepclean | 50300 / 50404 |
Cromax - #3871S | Plastic Prepclean | 50300 / 50404 |
Cromax - #3910WB | Waterborne Prepclean | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Cromax - #3911WB | Waterborne Final Clean | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Cromax - #3919S | Prepsol | 50300 / 50404 |
Cromax - #3920S | Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
Cromax - #3950S | Anti-Static Degreaser | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #BPC | Brake Parts Cleaner | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 10 | Fast Acrylic Lacquer Thinner | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 1000 | Acetone | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 1001 | Mineral Spirits 66/3 | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 1002 | Methyl Ethyl Ketone | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 1003 | Toluene | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 1004 | Xylene | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 1005 | IPA - Isopropanol 99% | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 1006 | Odorless Mineral Spirits | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 1007 | Aromatic 100 | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 1008 | VM&P Naptha | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 1009 | Methanol | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 101 | Gun Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 1010 | Denatured Alcohol | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 1011 | Aromatic 150 | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 1012 | Methyl Amyl Ketone | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 1171 | Compliant Gun Cleaner | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 15 | Med. Fast Acrylic Lacquer Thinner | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 20 | Medium Acrylic Lacquer Thinner | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 210 | Parts Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 215 | Brake Parts Cleaner | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 230 | Adhesive Remover | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 231 | Adhesive Remover High Strength | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 25 | Slow Acrylic Lacquer Thinner | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 5 | Lacquer Thinner | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 7200 | Dust Control | 50200 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 90 | PRECLEAN | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 905, CP 905-5 | Water Based Pre Clean | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 91 | Wax & Grease Remover | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP 92 | Plastic and Fiberglass Parts Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP AMAZE | AmazaKleen | 50200 |
Cumberland Products - #CP MIK | Methyl Isobutyl Ketone | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP RAIN | RAIN - Automatic Gun Cleaner Solution | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP RAIN 3CA | RAIN 3CA - Automatic Gun Cleaner Solution | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CP RAIN-CA | RAIN CA - Automatic Gun Cleaner Solution | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #CS-49 | CS-49 Solvent | 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #HEP | Heptane | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Cumberland Products - #HEX | Hexane | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
DeBeer Refinish - #1-051 | Gun Cleaner | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
DeBeer Refinish - #1-851 | Antistatic Degreaser | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
DeBeer Refinish - #1-951 | Silicone Remover | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
DeBeer Refinish - #9-851 | WaterBase Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
DeBeer Refinish - #9-852 | WaterBase Gun Cleaner | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Diamond Professional - #DP210 | Diamond Clean Super Degreaser Concentrate | 50200 |
Diamond Professional - #DP211 | Professional APC Plus | 50200 |
Diamond Professional - #DP214 | Diamond Brite Wheel Cleaner | 50350 |
Diamond Professional - #DP216 | Professional Glass Cleaner | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Diamond Professional - #DP218 | All Purpose Cleaner Degreaser Concentrate | 50200 |
Diamond Professional - #DP245 | Diamond S Dressing | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Diamond Professional - #DP246 | Diamond W Dressing | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Diamond Professional - #DP249 | Diamond Safe S Dressing | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Dominion Sure Seal - #00050, TB101AS | Aqua Solv | 50300 / 50404 |
Dominion Sure Seal - #BSS | Sure Solv Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Dominion Sure Seal - #BSS1 | Sure Solv Universal Solvent & Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Dominion Sure Seal - #DOM 10056, 10057, 10058 | Sure Solv | 50300 / 50404 |
Dominion Sure Seal - #DOM 40054 BSS1 | Sure Solv | 50300 / 50404 |
Dominion Sure Seal - #DSS 10056, 10057, 10058 | Sure Solv DSSLVAPC Low VOC Wax & Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Dominion Sure Seal - #DSS 6004 | Sure Wipe | 50300 / 50404 |
Dominion Sure Seal - #LVAPC5, BEZW5, BAPQ | Sure Wipe | 50300 / 50404 |
Dominion Sure Seal - #UUSW LVAPC, 8010 | Low VOC Wax & Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Dupli Color - #CM540, CM541 | Grease & Wax Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Emzone - #44140, 44141 | Non-Chlor. Brake & Parts Cleaner | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Emzone - #45250, 45251 | Brake & Parts Cleaner - 10% VOC Compliant Formula | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Endura - #FAD0061-030 | Degreaser 10 | 50200 |
Evercoat - #F-E 581 | Acetone | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Excel Products - #XL 90101, 90105, 90155 | Final Clean Fast Flash | 50300 / 50404 |
Excel Products - #XL 90501 | Waterbased Pre-Clean | 50300 / 50404 |
Excel Products - #XL 90505 | Waterbased Pre Clean | 50300 / 50404 |
Excel Products - #XL 91001, 91004, 91005, 91055 | Wax & Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Excel Products - #XL 94001, 94005, 94055 | Mineral Spirits | 50300 / 50404 |
Excel Products - #XL 95001, 95005, 95055 | Toluene | 50300 / 50404 |
Excel Products - #XL 96001, 96005, 96055 | Xylene | 50300 / 50404 |
Excel Products - #XL 97001, 97005, 97055 | Isopropyl Alcohol | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Excel Products - #XL 98001, 98005 | Butyl Acetate | 50300 / 50404 |
Excel Products - #XL 99005, 99055 | Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) | 50300 / 50404 |
Excel Products - #XL 9901 | Wash Thinner | 50300 / 50404 |
Glasurit - #360-4 | Metal Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Glasurit - #700-1 | Waterborne Cleaner | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Glasurit - #700-10 | Waterborne Degreaser | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
House of Kolor - #KC10 | Wax & Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
House of Kolor - #KC20 | Post Sanding Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Klean Strip - #GAF354CN | Fiberglass Paint Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Klean Strip - #GBTR400 | Prep-All Bug and Tar Remover | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Klean Strip - #GPW364 | Prep-All Warebased Panel Wipe | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Klean Strip - #GSW362 | Prep-All Wax & Grease Remover | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Klean Strip - #GSW362CN | Wax & Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Klean Strip - #KLN 18 | Acetone | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Klean Strip - #KLN 18 | Acetone | 50300 / 50404 |
Klean Strip - #KLN 354 | Fibreglass Paint Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Klean Strip - #KLN 94006 | Odorless Mineral Spirits | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Kleen-Flo - #017, 018 | Eco-Care Multi Clean | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Kleen-Flo - #022, 023 | Eco-Care Engine Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
Kleen-Flo - #032, 033 | Eco-Care Kleen Parts | 50300 / 50404 |
Kleen-Flo - #116, 117 | Kleen Solv Parts Washing Solvent | 50300 / 50404 |
Kleen-Flo - #175, 176 | Multi Kleen All Purpose Heavy Duty Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Kleen-Flo - #313 | Brake & Parts Cleaner | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Kleen-Flo - #322, 323, 324 | Non-Chlorinated Brake & Parts Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Kleen-Flo - #644, 647 | Ace Engine Degreaser | 50200 |
Kleen-Flo - #645, 646, 649 | Engine Shampoo Degreaser | 50200 |
Klondike - #KL-CH6550, KL-CH6580, KL-CH6590 | Cleaner/Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
Klondike - #KL-CH8630, KL-CH8680, KL-CH8690 | Brake Blast | 50300 / 50404 |
Limco - #139 | Final Wash Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Limco - #151 | Waterborne Cleaner | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Limco - #203 | Wax & Grease Remover | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Lloyds Laboratories - #57420 | Cleaning Detergent | 50200 |
Lloyds Laboratories - #52320, 52304 | Kleens-It Brake Parts Cleaner | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Lordco - #40401 | Green Stuff | 50200 |
Lordco - #40406 | Red Stuff | 50200 |
Lordco - #40428 | Purple Stuff | 50200 |
Lordco - #C-215 | AB-50 Degreaser | 50200 |
Lordco - #C-472 | Bilge Cleaner | 50200 |
Malco - #1004 | Target Tar, Wax and Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Malco - #1023 | Red Thunder Biodegradable Degreaser | 50200 |
Malco - #1168 | A & L Cosmoline Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Malco - #1194 | Brake Off Non Acid Wheel Cleaner | 50200 |
Malco - #1203 | Potent Purple Cleaner | 50200 |
Malco - #KA-88 | Super Duty Degreaser | 50200 |
Matrix - #MX-8000 | Pre-Prep Wax & Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Matrix - #MX-9000 | Pre-Prep Wax & Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Meguiars - #D101 | Detail All Purpose Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Meguiars - #D108 | Super Degreaser | 50200 |
Meguiars - #D140 | Wheel Brightener | 50300 / 50404 |
Meguiars - #D143 | Non-Acid Wheel & Tire Cleaning | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Meguiars - #D155 | Last Touch Detailng Spray | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Meguiars - #D160 | All Season Dressing | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Meguiars - #D161 | Detailer Silicon Free Dressing | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Meguiars - #D170 | Detailer Hyper Dressing | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Meguiars - #M4001, M4005, M4016 | Cleaner & Conditioner | 50200 |
Meguiars - #M6601 | Quick Detailer | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Metalpro - #7303C | Thinner | 50300 / 50404 |
MOR - #MOR1240-1 | Wax & Grease/Silicone Remover | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
NAPA Body Pro - #30004 , 30020, 30045 | Concentrated Cleaner | 50200 |
NAPA Body Pro - #30080, 30081 | All Purpose Cleaner & Degreaser | 50200 |
NAPA Body Pro - #3500, 3501, 3503 | Engine Degreaser | 50200 |
NAPA Body Pro - #70004, 70020, 70045 | All Purpose Cleaner & Degreaser | 50200 |
Nason - #441-05 | Silicone & Wax Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Nason - #491-50 | Adhesion Plastic Promoter | 50300 / 50404 |
Nexa Autocolor - #P273-1050 | Anti-Static Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Nexa Autocolor - #P273-1333 | Cleaner For Plastics | 50300 / 50404 |
Nexa Autocolor - #P850-1402, E25 | Spirit Wipe-Slow | 50300 / 50404 |
Northstar - #S10 | Final Wipe | 50300 / 50404 |
Omni - #MS251 | Multi-Purpose Solvent | 50300 / 50404 |
Omni - #MX190 | Wax and Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
OneChoice - #CFX | Wax & Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Ostrem - #A259 | Jet Clean Plus | 50300 / 50404 |
Ostrem - #A268 | Alkaline Aluminum Cleaner-Brightener | 50200 |
Ostrem - #A277 | Tire Shine | 50300 / 50404 |
Ostrem - #I303 | BCF Degreaser | 50200 |
Ostrem - #I309 | AB-50 Degreaser | 50200 |
Pepin - #7003, 7004, 7005 | Xylene | 50300 / 50404 |
Pepin - #7303C | Thinner | 50300 / 50404 |
Plastique Royal - #5G | Gun Wash | 50300 / 50404 |
POR-15 - #240104 , 40101 | POR-15 Cleaner Degreaser | 50200 |
PPG Industries - #SWX 350 | Waterborne Pre Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
PPG Industries - #SX103 | Multi Prep | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
PPG Industries - #SX320, SX330, SX440 | Ditz-O Wax & Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Presta - #1000 | Compound | 50300 / 50404 |
Presta - #1311 | Conquest Heavy Duty Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Presta - #135601 | Non-Acid Tire & Wheel Cleaner | 50200 |
Presta - #PRE 130001 | Strata | 50300 / 50404 |
Pro Form - #13500, 13502, 13504 | Final Wipe Solvent | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Pro Form - #13520, 13522, 13524 | Heavy Duty Wax & Grease Remover Strong | 50300 / 50404 |
Pro Form - #PF600 | General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Pro Form - #PF602 | Acetone | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Pro Form - #PF605-1, 605-5 | Wax and Grease Remover | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Pro Form - #PF606 | Plastic Parts Cleaner | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Pro Form - #PF618 | Waterborne Gun Wash | 50300 / 50404 |
Pro Form - #PF620, PF603 | Wax and Grease Remover (Mild) | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Pro Form - #PF621, PF605 | Wax and Grease Remover (Strong) | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Pro Form - #PF628 | Gun Wash | 50300 / 50404 |
Pro Form - #PF693 | Wax and Grease Remover (Fast Mild) | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Pro Spray - #ICR-0014 | Spirit Wipe | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Pro Spray - #ICR-1333 | Cleaner for Plastic | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Prolab - #PLB 790055 | Brake Parts Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
ProSpray - #ICR-0014-1 | Spirit Wipe - Fast | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
ProSpray - #ICR-0020-3 | Waterborne Surface Cleaner | |
ProSpray - #ICR-1333-4 | Cleaner For Plastics | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Recochem - #13-388 | Gun Wash | 50300 / 50404 |
Recochem - #53-141, 53-144, 53-148 | Xylene | 50300 / 50404 |
Recochem - #53-260, 53-261, 53-264, 53-268 | Acetone | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Recochem - #53-274 | Toluene | 50300 / 50404 |
Recochem - #53-311, 53-314, 53-318 | Low Odour Paint Thinner | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Recochem - #53-321, 53-324, 53-325, 53-328 | Paint Thinner | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Recochem - #53-341, 53-344 | Mineral Spirits | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Recochem - #53-371 | Varsol | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Recochem - #53-390, 53-391, 53-394, 53-398 | Methyl Hydrate | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Recochem - #83-228, 83-229 | Stoddard Solvent | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Recochem - #83-311, 83-314 | Odorless Mineral Spirits | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Red Devil - #PAAC 51, 51-5 | Red Devil Degreaser | 50200 |
Red Devil - #PAAC41, 41-5 | Non-Acid Wheel Cleaner | 50200 |
Rexall Solutions - #RX590232-1 / RX590231-1 / RX590232 / RX590231 / RX590231-5 / RX590231-55 | Acetone | 50101 / 50401, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Rexall Solutions - #RX590246, RX590246-1, RX590246-5, RX590246-55 | Premium Solvent Cleaner 7030 | 50300 / 50404 |
Rexall Solutions - #RX590263-1, RX590263-5, RX590263-55, RX590263 | Isopropyl Alcohol 99% | 50100 / 50400, 50101 / 50401, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Rexall Solutions - #RX590268-1, RX590268-5 | Waterborne Gunwash | 50101 / 50401, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Rexall Solutions - #RX590269-1, RX590269, RX590269-5 | Wax & Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Rexall Solutions - #RX590270-1, RX590270-5, RX590270 | Silicone & Adhesive Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Rexall Solutions - #RX590353-1 / RX590353-5 / RX590353 | Final Wash | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
RM - #900 | Prekleano | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
RM - #901 | Pre-Paint Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
RM - #902 | Plastic PrepCleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
RM - #903 | Anti-Static Final Wipe | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
RM - #909 | Final Wipe Prep-Cleaner | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
RM - #909 | Final Wipe | 50300 / 50404 |
RSC (GUNK) - #EB5C, EB8C , EB1 , EB1, 6 | Engine Brite Degreaser | 50200 |
RSC (GUNK) - #M739C | Brake Cleaner | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
RSC (GUNK) - #SC3C | Super Concentrate Engine Degreaser | 50200 |
RSC (GUNK) - #SC5, SC8C | Concentrate Degreaser | 50200 |
RSC (GUNK) - #SCS5 | Part Washer Solvent | 50300 / 50404 |
Roughneck - #RNCBC20 | Non-Chlorinated Brake Cleaner | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
SEM - #38344 | Vinyl Prep | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
SEM - #38371, 38374 | SEM Solve | 50300 / 50404 |
Sherwin-Williams - #155 | Surface Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Sherwin-Williams - #170 | Aqua Clean Low VOC Waterbased Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Sherwin-Williams - #ATX | Low VOC Surface Cleaner | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Sherwin-Williams - #CM0110150 | Wax and Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Sherwin-Williams - #FT200 | Finish 1 Surface Cleaner | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Sherwin-Williams - #FT210 | Finish 1 Acetone | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
Sherwin-Williams - #R1K213 | KRIL-KLEEN Surface Cleaner | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Sherwin-Williams - #R7K156 | Premium Sher-Will-Clean Surface Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Sherwin-Williams - #R7K158 | UltraClean Surface Cleaner | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Sikkens - #300624, 300625, 303158, 376943, 376944, 519410, 519411, 521504, 523124, 523965, 525773, 525774, 525775, 525776, 525777, 525778 | M600 Surface Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Sikkens - #385007 | OTO Degreaser | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Sikkens - #385009 | OTO Quick Degreaser | 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Sikkens - #385014 | Anti-Static Degreaser | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Sikkens - #391311 | Autowave Guncleaner LV | 50300 / 50404 |
Sikkens - #567928, 391000 | Cleaning Solvent LV | 50300 / 50404 |
Spies Hecker - #7010 | Permanent Silicone Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Spies Hecker - #7085, 7096 | Silicone Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Spies Hecker - #7086 | Silicone Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
Spies Hecker - #8581 | Plastic Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Spray Nine - #22701, C12501, 22705, C12520, 22755, C12545 | Grez-Off Heavy-Duty Degreaser | 50200 |
Spray Nine - #26801, C26804, 26805, C26820, 26855, C26845 | Multi Purpose Cleaner/Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
Spray Nine - #26901S, C27004 | Marine Spray Nine Heavy-Duty Cleaner + Degreaser + Disinfectant | 50300 / 50404 |
Spray Nine - #27901, 27955 | Earth Soap Cleaner/Degreaser | 50200 |
Spray Nine - #87701 | Non-Butyl Cleaner/Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
SuperClean - # | Super Clean Tough Task Cleaner-Degreaser | 50200 |
TITAN - #TNDS 8101, 8201, 8301 | Heavy Duty Brake Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
TRANSTAR - #50-0121 / 50-0125 / 50-0129 | Acetone | 50101 / 50401, 50300 / 50404 |
TRANSTAR - #TRN 6311 | Scat Wax & Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
TRANSTAR - #TRN 6321 | Speedi Scat Wax & Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
TRANSTAR - #TRN1391 | Aqua Scat 2 Waterborne Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
U-POL - #UP 20002 | Waterbase Wax & Grease Remover | 50300 / 50404 |
U.S. Chemicals & Plastics - #USC 1240-1 | Wax, Grease & Silicone Remover | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Valspar Refinish - #155 | Surface Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Valspar Refinish - #170 | Waterbased Cleaner | 50300 / 50404 |
Walter - #53-C 503 / 53-C 506 / 53-C 507 / 53-C 508 | SLAP SHOT - Cleaner/Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
Walter - #53-C 557 / 53-C 558 | Air Force AF-PL Fast Evaporating Parts Degeaser | 50300 / 50404 |
Walter - #53-G 163 / 53-G 165 / 53-G 167 / 53-G 168 / 53-G 169 | CB 100 Ultra-Powerful Natural Cleaner/Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
Wizards - #11088 / 11087 / 11089 | Power Clean All Purpose Cleaner & Degreaser | 50300 / 50404 |
Wizards - #1217 | Mist-N-Shine Professional Detailer | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Wurth - #890.108724 | Brake and Parts Cleaner, Non-Flammable | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Wurth - #890.108735 | Brake and Parts Cleaner | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
Wurth - #890.108742 | Brake and Parts Cleaner | 50100 / 50400, 50200, 50300 / 50404 |
FBS Distribution supplies specialty hand sprayers, masking products, and coveralls for the Automotive, Industrial, Marine, and Aviation industries.